21 Days To Email Marketing Success

“The Step-By-Step Guide For Using Email To Double Your Sales In Less Than 10 Minutes Per Day – Even If You Know Nothing About Computers.”

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“Here Are Some Of The Secrets You’ll Learn Inside Our Informative eBook”

Here’s a sample of some of the great things you’ll learn:

  • The “Oprah Effect.” How Twitter gives you the power of Oprah to move people. We all know how Oprah speaks and people act. Learn how Twitter can empower you to do the same – pg. 20
  • How to sell Twitter to your boss. Skip this step and you can forget about using Twitter to further your career or market your business – pg. 22
  • The thing almost all new Twitter users do when selecting a username that actually repels people from following them – pg. 24
  • The two places you can find the most influential people (like top level CEOs) in your industry using Twitter – pg. 71
  • We read all the books, went to the seminars, and tried everything. It wasn’t until we learned THIS ONE THING that it all started to happen for us. On page 73 we’ll share the single most powerful thing you can do to become more successful in using Twitter to market and promote your business, and why almost no one starting out really does this.
  • Why you may not want to have huge numbers of followers  on Twitter – pg. 21
  • On page 76 we answer the first big question everyone asks when starting on Twitter – “How do I get lots of followers.” The secret is probably not what you’d expect.
  • The single best way to attract the attention of a high profile Twitter users that can potentially bring you attention from their hundreds of thousands of followers – pg. 83
  • What you must do if you want people to re-send you Twitter messages to their networks (this technique will increase your potential follower reach by the thousands) – pg. 85
  • Why the so-called Twitter “experts” are dead wrong in their ridiculous theories of “building followers” – Here’s how you can create a powerful, instant connection with your followers by doing the exact opposite of what these “wannabe gurus” tell you – pg. 120
  • The 4 questions you absolutely MUST ask before writing your Twitter bio. (Most people miss this entirely… and end up paying for it when people don’t recognize them as legitimate professionals) – pg. 53
  • How to use the most underrated part of Twitter (The favorites area) to get other people to promote you as a leader. You can sit back and have other people do the talking for you – pg. 90
  • The single most important thing you can do for you boss to get him to agree to let you try anything with Twitter – pg. 97
  • How to save hours of time and still leapfrog your competition on Twitter. We give you one simple tool that will be the secret to avoiding the Twitter time suck – pg. 101
  • Learn how key organizations and businesses (like Dell) have literally made over $2 million in sales – DIRECTLY from Twitter with no other traffic source – pg. 118
  • And much, much, much more…

The best part is you don’t have to wait for this book to come in the mail, or drive to a store to get it. You can download it to your computer right now for only $37.00.

Twitter Art & Science

There is an art and science to Twitter. The science is simple. Create an account, gain followers, update them with useful information and look for ways to make connections with more people.

The art is also straight forward. Balance your self-promotion so you don’t turn off your followers, always be looking for ways to subtly draw people to you, become a trusted source for people in your industry to find relevant and helpful information and get recommended by the top Twitter users. It’s easy for us to claim the simplicity of using Twitter to create leadership since we’ve both had success in this area. But our success gives us a unique perspective and insight into how Twitter can be used.

Why Twitter Leadership

It’s simple really. Leaders, in all walks of life, have more money, success, fame, and recognition than others. Something about the boldness and effort it takes to make it to the top of a business or industry attracts amazing success into your career and personal life. Those that come behind can only wish after the success you’ve achieved as a leader.
What Twitter Leaders Can Expect

Twitter is built for leadership. When someone begins to “follow you” on Twitter they are recognizing you as a leader. This book will show you step-by-step, how to leverage Twitter to position yourself as a leader in your industry.
We’ve written a simple book in plain English that will walk your through the process of setting up your Twitter account from scratch and becoming a leader in your industry.

So what are you waiting for? Plan on spending the next 21 days reading each chapter and doing the 10 minute exercise at the end. Then let us know how it is going. We’d love to hear your feedback.

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Here’s To Your Twitter Success,

~ Joel Mark Witt